Senin, September 21, 2009

I got a week sister ! *with an evil spirit

My cousin Natasia Mellynda Rachman - Tasia came 3 days ago..
she'll stay at my home for a week + 2 days.
the main reason she come is shopping. which is good for me. haha

then, yesterday we - dad, mom, My 2 brothers, me and her
went to PS-Plaza Senayan (again) ..

Right after we arrived, my dad and my 2 brothers are gone. maybe they were too lazy to followed us. lol
this was Raka's-my lil brother face when we met later..

poor boy

okay, we were shopping for only just an hour! in slowly sightseeing..
and these are the result..

Crocodile clutch - Guess (Rp 790.000)
Brown wallet - Guess (Rp 350.000)
Brown bag - Zara (Rp 599.999)
*remember : an hour

Purple sandals (it is purple) - Zara ( Rp 299.999)

Black pantofel - Felix Ferguso
Brown pantofel - Marco Guomo

Aldhy - My big brother
Black pantofel - Marco guomo

Can you see the evil spirit of shopping inside us? lol

aaaaand, we will never forget to take a picture right after we're home.

yellow shirt - blablabla degree (she's forget the brand and we can't read the tag) 
Black jeans - body and soul
metallic shoes - Guess
Watch - Aigner
Blue saphire diamond ring - @crown Surabaya

Jeans outer - kochi shop
white shirt - zara
black lace belt - Guess
zippered skirt - online store (forget which one)
Platform shoes - charles and keith
oh so fabulous green ring - redherring @debenhams (you can saw it on my older post-shopping is my drugs)
Green bracelet - P.S

I want to show you how tall is her heels shoes while shopping.. omg

I am so damn sure there will be I got a week sister ! *with an evil spirit II, III, IV,... blablablaa .. just wait baby. lol

5 komentar:

  1. wowww... tasia shopingnya pake high heel??
    hohoho biasanya di sby pake sandal jepit.. haha
    lanjutkan shopingnya!!

  2. dassaaar.... tasia emang klo kumat mengerikan..... tp kali ini edan jg pake high heel begono... biasanya d sby gk pnah mau pake high heel klo niatnya shop2 gt... kerasukan apaan tuh...

  3. emang gitu tuh.. ga mau lebih pendek dr adeknyaa. hahaha

  4. bok2... flash ga guna tuh disana cik..
    limitnya sedikit tuh..
    ga keseleo ta pake heel
    emang wanita klo shopping g krasa capek..
    buat nerizza met kenal yow hahaha
    baru beli ya shoes nya?? kok g difoto close up
    like the color

  5. salam kenal jugaa. he
    shoes yg ungu? iya br beli, kan uda close up..
    apa yg coklat? kalo itu uda lama belinyaa.. :))
    makasi loo..
