Minggu, September 27, 2009

I got a week sister ! *with an evil spirit V

I'm so late,, SORRY

hemm, we went to PIM-Pondok Indah Mall 3days ago.
It was shoes day for Tasia.. tadaa

Beige mary jane - Next (Rp 318.000)
T-bar peachy striped - VNC (Rp 275.000)
Black flat - madden girl (Rp 680.000)

Her mom's-my aunty
Ribbon bronze blouse - Next (Rp 499.000)

and I?? I bought nothing..   for me. lol
I got something for entop, my friend in all bittersweet moments *lebayy

glistening mouse - Next
*Tasia wanted it too, but i saw it first and it was the last one. :)))

Only then we watched G-force.. 
I ALMOST cried. but after considering that I shouldn't cry for an animation guinea pig, I decided to forbore.. :ppp

I'll updating soon.. promise. bye people.. xoxoxo

2 komentar:

  1. iyah tuh bagus banget mouse nyaaaa..mupenggg...

  2. haha.. senangnyaaaa..
    bikin sendiri aj kaya kak rani.
    tempel satu, tempel satu lagi, satu lagi, lagi, lagii, lagiii, la...
